Partner API

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Upon initial login, you must update your password. To accomplish this, you must provide your registered email address as the body of the request to the "forgot password" endpoint.
Subsequently, this endpoint returns the bearer token alongside the responseCode, responseMessage and status. If an invalid email or password is passed an error message is returned.
Request Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token
Response Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token

Forgot Password

When you access this endpoint, an email containing the OTP will be sent to you. This OTP will be required for the reset password endpoint.
NB: This endpoint does not require a token or public-key.
Request Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token
Response Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token


Your password must be a minimum of 8 characters long and include at least the following:
One special character like "!@#?", etc
Request Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token
Response Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token

Invite a Business

Please refrain from modifying the partnerId and countryCode parameters. You may only change the countryCode if your business operates outside of Nigeria; otherwise, please leave them unchanged.
All fields in this section are mandatory.
Request Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token
Response Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token

Get Businesses

Pass in your provided sub_partner_id
NB. This endpoint requires a token.
Response Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token

Set Commission

This endpoint allows you set fees for your invited businesses
Request Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token
Response Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token

Change Password

This endpoint requires a token. You use this endpoint if you feel your password might have been compromised.
Request Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token
Response Sample
The code snippet below shows an example request for generating a bearer token
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